A part of the local community
The natural landscape offers the community a peaceful rural alternative to other built up cemeteries. The cemetery is located in the scenic Kemps Creek area, conveniently located only 15 minutes’ drive from Liverpool, Penrith and Blacktown.

Planning a Funeral
A funeral is more than a place and time to say goodbye, it is a celebration and a lasting memory of a person who has passed. Planning a funeral often focuses on the big decisions, but while these decisions are important it is the finer points that bring an individual’s personality to a service.
For these very personal reasons we have developed a Statement of Wishes Booklet to help you choose the style of service that most reflects your personality, with personal touches to bring your service to life just the way you wanted.
A Statement of Wishes enables you to record information and arrangements in advance that will assist your family and funeral director to ensure everything is conducted in accordance with your wishes.
Request a Statement of Wishes BookletMemorialisation is a permanent tribute
A place for remembrance
Memorialisation is important for helping the grieving process for family and friends. It provides a permanent focal point for loved ones and future generations to visit and reflect.
Memorialisation allows us to continue our relationship beyond death and by memorialising within Kemps Creek Memorial Park; your family can be assured that the memorial will be looked after in perpetuity – a guarantee that cannot be made by other forms of memorialisation such as urns or parks.

Burial Options
For those looking for traditional burial options at Kemps Creek Memorial Park, we offer a variety of different grave types to suit all personal, religious and cultural considerations.
Kemps Creek Memorial Park offers some full monument and lawn grave areas. There is no substitute for a guided walk through our memorial park to help you make the right choice.
Cremation Options
Cremation is a popular and affordable choice for many families today. Kemps Creek Memorial Park offer cremation services, as well as on-site memorial services and the interment of cremated remains or ‘memorialisation’.
Kemps Creek Memorial Park are ready to help families find a beautiful place to memorialise their loved ones. A peaceful place in one of our memorial gardens or our Naturial Burial Park means that family and friends are free to visit on special occasions or any time they choose.
St Francis Natural Burial Park
An undisturbed place of rest – a living memorial to those buried
Make an appointment to discuss this serene location surrounded by native bushland.